YES MA! Backyard Farm is a passionate cultivator of African Heirloom crops that are transformed into Caribbean-inspired Specialty Foods. Our heartfelt journey is driven by a deep connection to the land and a dedication to honoring tradition. 

Our specialty crops and foods go beyond mere diversification of the local market. We seek to forge deep emotional connections, evoking nostalgia, belonging, and the joy of discovery. We invite individuals from all walks of life to embark on a delectable journey, savoring authentic flavors that encapsulate the spirit of HOME!!


The name "YES MA! Backyard Farm" is a tribute to the cherished memories of our Mother and Grandmother, who lovingly tended to fruits and vegetables in their own backyards. Our logo proudly showcases our Great-Grandmother's farm-house in Guyana, South America, which symbolizes the rich farming heritage that flows through our veins.


Our core essence lies in our unwavering commitment to crafting shelf-stable products that are free from harmful pesticides, chemicals, artificial sweeteners, and colors. We pay homage to MOTHER EARTH by embracing sustainable practices and all-natural ingredients.